Monday, September 19, 2011

Apple Makes Cheaper iPhone for Asia

Apple Building A Cheaper 8GB iPhone For Asian countries. That Rumored iPhone will Be Released With iPhone 5.

Under some surprising new developments in Apple iPhone 5 rumors, according to latest news company's suppliers in Asian countries has already started manufacturing a lower-priced version of hot-selling iPhone 4 - the new variant is said to have a smaller 8 gigabyte flash drive letting Apple compete with cheaper Google Android phones.
(Concept of iPhone Nano cheaper iPhone from Apple)
 The official announcement of cheaper 8 GB model of the popular iPhone 4 is expected to be made public with release of highly anticipated iPhone 5 this September. The new low-price iPhone (which is also called as iPhone 4S) is rumored to have a bigger touch screen, better antenna and an 8-megapixel camera.

No official announcement has yet been made by Apple Inc about the rumored new cheaper variant of their current flagship product - iPhone 4 (16 GB and 32 GB), but the expected price should be somewhere near to 12,000/-

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